Fobots A-Go-Go

Amy FlynnFor those of you who’ve been in the shop or simply passed by our windows, you’re probably already familiar with the Fobots….

Fobots are “found object robots” made by my dear friend, and very accomplished artist, Amy Flynn.

You may have seen the ‘bots in an Anthropologie catalog or on Ugly Betty (3/10/10).  Other than Green in BKLYN, you’d have to be in a small shop in Raleigh NC to lay hands or eyes on the sweet ‘bots.  But I digress…

Amy’s whimsical Fobots are made with all kinds of recycled bits: antique tins, watch parts, old pool balls & all manner of plumbing pieces.  And are named according to their hardware & her whim.

For instance, at Green in BKLYN, Mr. October has a baseball head.  Robama has big ears, holds the word HOPE & has a half & half tin for a body.  We also have Prance-O-Matic, Bro-bot & Dougie Goes Walkies (Dougie’s the dog half of a boy & dog duo).

Basically, the Fobots are fabulous, Amy’s story is intriguing & you can read more about it at the News Observer.  Or, simply stop in at Green in BKLYN & visit the ‘bots yourself…

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