10 Ways to Stay Cool (w/o AC)

Holy Moley! Out here in BKLYN it’s hot as, well, the hottest days of the year-to-date.

Our focus in the shop continues to be on greening the planet & living an eco-friendly life.  But we’re fine tuning that this week to focus on keeping our cool…

So here are some suggestions on how to stay cool.  Low energy style.  Without air conditioning.  Though you can definitely combine them with AC – especially with temps in the triple digits!

  1. If you want to get into the outdoors, do it carefully. Usually the early morning & evening are cooled down enough to enjoy your walk, run, hike, bike, gardening or yard work.  Just be sure to stay hydrated while you’re out there!
  2. Soak your feet in a bucket of cold water. Or your wrists.  The body radiates heat from the hands, feet, face & ears, so cooling any of these will efficiently cool the body.
  3. Put your sweaty self in the path of a cool breeze or fan. Water vapor produced by sweating takes heat away from your body if it’s exposed to air & allowed to evaporate.  So make the fan your friend.
  4. Dress – or undress – as is appropriate. Naked, next-to-nothing, natural fibers &/or light colored clothing (which reflects light rather than attracts it) are all options for keeping your cool while choosing your dress.
  5. Keep it moving. The air that is…  In the evening, open windows & use fans to create a cross-breeze, circulating cooler evening/night air through the rooms.  When the sun hits your building in the morning, close the windows, shades & doors & keep them closed till it’s cooler outside than in.  PS – Leaving kitchen cabinets open all night helps too.  If you leave them closed, they store heat & your home won’t cool off as much.
  6. Turn off electrical heat sources including the stove, incandescent light bulbs & computers.  Don’t use the stove or oven to eat.  If you have to heat your food, use a microwave.  Incandescent light bulbs create heat so switch to compact fluorescents (CFLs).  Turn off lamps, computers, TVS – all that hot stuff – when not in use.
  7. Adjust your pilot light.  Or turn it off. If you have a gas stove with pilot lights, make sure they’re set correctly.  Too high & they’ll produce excess heat. Or, just turn the gas off for the summer.
  8. Eat spicy food. Spicy food increases perspiration which cools the body as it evaporates.  It can cause an endorphin rush that is lovely & could make you forget about the heat.  Maybe.
  9. Try a hint of mint. Slather on lotion with peppermint, shower with peppermint soap or use a minty foot soak.  Mint refreshes the skin & leaves a nice cooling sensation.  It also takes yummy!
  10. If all else fails, go to the mall, library, church, movie theater or some other air-conditioned public building.

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