There’s A New Dog in the House

Green in BKLYN is hosting the work of internationally renowned canine artist, Tillamook Cheddar… The artist is the dog.

Tillie, as she’s known in the inner art & doggie circles, is a Jack Russell from Clinton Hill Brooklyn.  Widely regarded as the world’s preeminent canine artist, she has had over twenty solo exhibitions in the US & Europe.  Eleven years old & making art for most of those years, Tillie started as a wee pup.

Her website describes Tillie’s work as “a dynamic color transfer technique. In preparation for each of Tillie’s works, her assistants assemble a touch-sensitive recording device by affixing pigment-coated vellum to a block of watercolor paper. The artist takes the prepared “canvas” in her mouth & brings it to her workspace. Working on the outside surface, she applies pressure with teeth & claws in a methodic ritual marked by dramatic shifts in tempo & intensity. The resultant sharp & sweeping intersecting lines complement the artist’s delicate paw prints & subtle tongue impressions, composing an expressionistic image that is revealed on the paper beneath when she is finished. She works with shocking intensity, sometimes to the point of destroying her creations.

Some of Tillie’s pieces that can be seen at Green in BKLYN include Ready to Bite the Hand of G-d, Magic 8-Ball & Million Dollar Baby.

In addition, small off-bits can be purchased from the Tillamook Cheddar art dispensing/gumball machine located in the shop.  Or, leaf through her biography: Portrait of the Dog as a Young Artist. Oh!  And, you can meet Tillie, too.

Tillie will be greeting her fans with a Meet & Bark at Green in BKLYN on Sunday, September 12th from 12-2pm.  She’ll also be demonstrating her work & style at the Meet & Bark.  And her assistant, Bowman Hastie, will sign his coloring book: I Don’t Want to Blow You Up!

Hope you’ll be able to join us for this dynamic duo!

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